Aikyashree scholarship 2024 (ঐকশ্রী স্কলারশিপ): Application, Eligibility, Status Check

Aikyashree scholarship | ঐকশ্রী স্কলারশিপ

Aikyashree scholarship 2024: The ‘West Bengal Minorities' Development and Finance Corporation’ gives all the students Aikyashree scholarship (ঐকশ্রী) year of 2024. Every student can apply for this scholarship through the official website 

Today, in this article we share all about theAikyashree scholarship or WBMDFC Scholarship 2024 application process, the application form, aikyashree scholarship amount, the eligibility criteria and how to check the Aikyashree Scholarship status.

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য এই ঐকশ্রী স্কলারশিপ বা WBMDFC স্কলারশিপ ২০২৪ এর আবেদন, যোগ্যতা, ফর্ম এবং আবেদন করার পর স্টেটাস চেক করার সমস্ত তথ্য নিচে বিস্তারিত আলোচনা করা হলো ।

Details Of Aikyashree scholarship 2024

Scholarship Name 

WBMDFC Scholarship/aikyashree scholarship


West Bengal


West Bengal Minorities' Development and Finance Corporation


Minority Communities


Amounts gives to student.


For higher education 

Official website



Aikyashree scholarship 2024 (ঐকশ্রী স্কলারশিপ ২০২৪)

The West Bengal government offers students multiple types of scholarships for higher education. This WBMDFC Scholarship is only for Minority students who cannot attain higher education because of financial problems. this scholarship gives money to students' bank accounts to complete their higher education.

In this year 2023-2024 session WBMDFC Scholarship application process started and every student can apply for this scholarship. There are 5 types of scholarships listed in the WBMDFC Scholarship portal. 

Types Of Scholarship under Aikyashree

This scholarship starts class 5th to diploma students. The different types of scholarships are given below_

  • Pre-matric Scholarship

  • Post-matric Scholarship.      

  • Merit- cum- Means Scholarships

  • Talent Support stipend

  • Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship

Aikyashree scholarship

Wbmdfc scholarship বা ঐক্যশ্রী স্কলারশিপ সংখ্যালঘু ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের বৃত্তির প্রকল্প । এই স্কলারশিপ এ পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মেধাবী ছাত্রছাত্রীদের উচ্চশিক্ষার জন্য সরকারি সাহার্য্য । 

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সংখ্যালঘু অর্থাৎ বৌদ্ধ, খ্রিস্টান, জৈন, মুসলিম, পার্সি এবং শিখ ইত্যাদি সম্প্রদায়ভুক্ত ছাত্রছাত্রীরা এই স্কলারশিপ এর জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবেন । নিচে এই স্কলারশিপ এর সমস্ত তথ্য তথ্য আলোচনা করা রয়েছে ।

Aikyashree Scholarship Amounts as per Classes 2024

Types Of Scholarships






1 to 5


Classes 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination

6 to 10


Classes 6 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination


11 and 12


Classes 11 & 12 can apply for this scholarship.

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination

(technical and vocational)


Only technical and vocational

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination



Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination



Only M.Phil. Students

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination


Medical Engineering, Management, Law, Chartered Accountant, etc


only for Medical Engineering, Management, Law, Chartered Accountant

Less than 50% of marks in the final examination

Aikyashree Scholarship Eligibility Criteria - ঐকশ্রী স্কলারশিপ যোগ্যতা ২০২৪

  • Students domiciled in West Bengal only are eligible to apply.

  • Institutes must be located in West Bengal

  • Students with at least 50% marks in the last exam are eligible to apply (except for Class 1)

  • Annual family income of the students for Pre, Post matic and TSP is upto ₹2lakh and for MCM and SVMCM is upto ₹2.5 lakhs

  • mobile number

  • Students must have their own operative bank account number. However, for Pre-matric, students can apply through their parents' bank

  • account also.

  • A student is eligible to apply for a scholarship from any one Government source only

  • Aadhaar is desirable for online scholarships for all

  • Categories.

  • The unique ID of Banglar Shiksha is MANDATORY for school-level students.

  • Print out of application along with a photocopy of the bank passbook containing the bank account number and IFSC to be submitted to the concerned institute.

Documents Required for WBMDFC Scholarship

  1. Aadhar card

  2. Date of birth proof

  3. Previous qualification mark sheet copy

  4. Income Certificate by BDO or any officer.

  5. Photograph

  6. Domicile certificate

  7. Admission of payment in institute receipt copy

  8. Bank account details.

Documents to be uploaded

  • Marks sheet original on both sides.

  • Bonafide Certificate

  • Institute Verification Certificate 

  • Annual Income Certificate

  • Bank Account Passbook

Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Application Process

For this scholarship, students can apply online through WBMDFC Scholarship's official website at Just flow below the steps to apply for WBMDFC Scholarship 2023-2024.

Step 1) At first visit to WBMDFC official website -

Step 2) After visiting the ‘West Bengal Minorities' Development and Finance Corporation website just scroll down and you can see the menu “Scholarship” and click on this menu.

Aikyashree Scholarship application online


Step 3) Then open a new window and apply for a Fresh apply or Renewal application for this scholarship. 

Step 4) Now Select the District of your Institute. 

Step 5) Then applicant information for Registration after completing Registration then apply for WBMDFC Scholarship.

Step 6) Complete your application and print out the form and submit it with the applicant documents.

Aikyashree Scholarship Applications Status

After completing the application and submitting the form to your Institute, then a few months or end of the year of your classes check the status of the WBMDFC Scholarship. Here we share with you aikyashree scholarship status check?

Aikyashree Scholarship Status

Track Aikyashree Scholarship Status? 

  • Visit the wbmdfc scholarship official website or type wbmdfc scholarship status on Google and visit the official website.

  • Then click on the “Track Your Application” option.

  • Now open a new page and select the year of registration, district.

  • And enter your application ID, application User ID and Date of Birth and enter the below Captcha.

  • Now click on Submit option and track your application status.

Aikyashree Scholarship helpline number


6290875550 (Technical Helpdesk)




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If You Any Questions or Any Suggestions

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