UGC NET Jun 2020 exam notifications, Application, fee, Eligibility 20020

UGC is going to organize UGC NET 2020 very soon. Application will be started on 16th March 2020 to 16th April, 2020.University Grand Commission has changed the syllabus of UGC NET 2019. The new syllabus will be applicable from this upcoming exam So, every candidates should know the new syllabus of this exam. UGC has changed the syllabus of the two papers Paper-I and Paper-ll. Paper-l is General paper that is same for all the candidates of any subject. And Paper-lIl is subject paper.

About the Exam Exam Name:  UGC NET

Conducted by: National Testing

Agency Exam Mode: Online

Medium : English or Hindi Question Type: MCQ

##Some important Dates:-

Date of Application online: 16 March to 16 April, 2020 (11.50pm)

Last date of Transaction of fee:- 17 April 2020(11.50pm)

Date of exam:- 15 Jun to 20 Jun 2020

Admit Card:- 15 May 2020

Results : 5 July 2020

##Exam Pattern :-

Paper i :-

50 question                  50×2 Marks =100

Time- 1 hour

Paper ii :-

100 question             100×2 Marks =200   Time = 2 hour

Paper- Paper-ll 2 hour 1 hour There is no break between Paper -I and Paper-ll during examination Qualification #Candidates must have at least 55% marks in Post Graduate or any equivalent exam. #5 % marks exemption for SC/ST/OBC. If they have 50% marks, they can apply #UGC allows the final year students of PG or equivalent degree but they will be disqualified if they can't secure the required marks.

##Age Limit:-

#UGC allows the final year students of PG or equivalent degree but they will be disqualified if they can't secure the required marks. Age Limit Candidates who will apply for Junior Research Fellowship should not be more than 30 years as on January 1, 2020. There is no upper age limit for candidates who will apply for Assistant Professor.

##Application Fees :-

General -Rs. 1000/-


SC/ST/PwD-Rs. 250/-

*NCL-Non Creamy Layer

There is 101 subjects listed tor UGC NET. You can sit tor any subject listed in UGC's official website or Notification. If you have completed your Post Graduate course in any subject among these, you can apply. But you must have 55% Marks (General) and 50% Marks (SC/ST/OBC) How to download UGC NET Syllabus? If you want to download the revised syllabus of UGC NET, Click on the download link given below -

Click Here to download New NET syllabus      👈 download Notifications of NTA Exam 2020

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